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Jan Ahrend

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🗞 What the rise of Gen Z means for User Research

Tips for user experience research presentations | How to identify product assumptions |Demand characteristics in UX research

🗞 What the rise of Gen Z means for User Research
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🗞 Is “research” the best word to describe what UX researchers do?

Why UX researchers should revisit academic resources | How responsible are UX researchers for a real-life user experience and consequences? |Creating engaging reports & asynchronous presentations

🗞 Is “research” the best word to describe what UX researchers do?
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🗞 Finding the unfindable participants for User Research

What’s trending in UX Research right now | How to Create Personas Using Grounded Theory | Get more insight from smaller surveys by patchworking

🗞 Finding the unfindable participants for User Research
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🗞 'Research Brain': The effects of User Testing on the Researcher

This week in User Research: How companies invite to their UXR participant panels | 7 questions to ask your research suppliers | Seven inquiries for ethical UX research

🗞 'Research Brain': The effects of User Testing on the Researcher
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🗞 How UX Research at Spotify is getting ahead of shifting trends

The state of user research 2022 | When should I report a one-off insight? | Setting the right metrics for product launches | Bridging UX and team science

🗞 How UX Research at Spotify is getting ahead of shifting trends
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🗞 Growing the research ‘impact radius’

Data thinking vs. product thinking | Four ways the pandemic has permanently changed UX Research | Research For the User, Created With the User

🗞 Growing the research ‘impact radius’
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🗞 Pushed for quantity, evaluated on quality

Challenges of inheriting a research team | Better relationships with stakeholders | Expand your research approach into a creative zone

🗞 Pushed for quantity, evaluated on quality
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🗞 Decolonizing Participatory Research Processes

This week in User Research: UXR hiring interviews are terrible | Five styles of statistical rhetoric | Keep the fire burning in your tester community

🗞 Decolonizing Participatory Research Processes
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🗞 Researcher relationships: Over-reliant, absent, misaligned

This week in User Research: UX research conferences and events in 2022 | The culture of insight | Breaking down organizational silos with UX Research

🗞 Researcher relationships: Over-reliant, absent, misaligned
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🗞 Atomic Research Principles

UXR Maturity: move to a more advanced level in your org | 7 ways to co-create, ideate, and engage your research participants | The one question a researcher must always ask…

🗞 Atomic Research Principles