🗞 Year in Review

Hi there! 👋 Thanks for stopping by. USERWEEKLY is your weekly email to understand what is happening in User Research. It's the best way to keep up on trends, methodologies and insights in UX Research. It is written by me, Jan Ahrend. Each week I capture the pulse of our community and answer a simple question: What mattered in User Research this week?
🎉 Highlights.
Antipersonas are fictional characters that represent user groups that may misuse a product in ways that negatively impact target users and the business. They are created when a product has the potential to cause physical or emotional harm or expose sensitive information, and are usually created by user researchers and designers with input from stakeholders and partners. Creating Antipersonas can be time-consuming and costly, so they should only be created when necessary. Leantzura 12/23
Just enough research
This is a story about developing the sense of knowing when it is enough to research and your gut feeling, as no data will tell you when to stop. Viktorija Bachvarova 12/23
How to conduct inclusive UX research
Inclusive UX research involves considering accessibility, cultural differences, and the needs of marginalized groups in the design process, as well as using diverse images, colors, and visuals and inclusive language. It also involves continuously iterating the design and encouraging diversity and inclusivity in the design team. Joshua Hoering 12/26
A free virtual conference dedicated to researchers. Join us for a half-day of connection, lessons from other professionals, and best practices for creating a healthy environment for work in research. Register now
Atomic UX research
Atomic UX research is a powerful tool for understanding and improving the user experience of a product by focusing on the smallest units of interaction within a UI. It allows designers and researchers to identify and address specific areas for improvement, leading to a more seamless and intuitive user experience for their users. What it is, why and how to use it. Alex A. Szczurek 12/23
7 key KPIs in UX research
A short guide to measuring the user experience. What are behavioral and attitudinal KPIs, how to track them, and which to choose for your research?. Olga Dmytryshyna 12/11
Alternative to classical UX research methods
An alternative to traditional UX research methods is to listen to recorded customer-facing calls. Customers can be more open and honest in customer success calls than in user interviews, and the method can be relatively quick and easy to implement. However, it's important to have a clear coding system and to be aware of biases in the data. Dolores Mäekivi 12/23
🎊 Year in Review.
NN/g: top 10 UX articles of 2022
The most read articles from NN/g in 2022. 12/24
User interviews: the best UX research content of 2022
A recap of our most popular UX research articles, podcasts, webinars, and reports published in the past year by User Interviews. Lizzy Burnam 12/22
48 UX metrics, methods, & measurement articles from 2022
The most read articles from MeasuringU in 2022. Jim Lewis & Jeff Sauro, 12/27
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🎥 Video of the Week.
How I discovered UX research as a career path
Nikki Fillingim, a UX Researcher at a major telecommunications company, details her winding career path that led her to UX research. She started her career in mental health counseling before transitioning to project managing research for an academic institution. Nikki also talks about getting her Masters in Public Health and Business Administration and how graduate school programs will often times waive the tuition if you work for the school during your academic studies. Her parting advice was that we should all normalize being unsure on what we want to do for the rest of our lives. YouTube 12/22
EOY User Interviews podcast (sponsored)
In this bittersweet episode —Erin and JH say their goodbyes to Roberta and reflect back at her time at User Interviews. From her favorite memories to lessons she’s learned, Roberta shares her career journey and what's in store for her next. Listen to the episode.
Happy Research and New Year!
🗞 Jan
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